This is tips on how get girls to like you on Happy Hours and Waitress:
Your local restaurant or bar's happy hour is a great place to meet women. They go there to relax and unwind after work, and that means alcohol consumption, and plenty of it. So, you already have one strike in your favor, because their inhibitions are going to be a lot less than normal.
The "taking a survey method" works better in this setting than in a singles bar, as women are, as I said, less suspicious. You're probably better off saying that you are writing a book for men and you are working on a chapter on bad lines.
Ask the women you meet to tell you the worst pick-up lines they've ever heard. They'll be more than happy to tell you- one of the things women do most when they get together for drinks is to chick about men, so you'll probably be right on subject! This is a fun approach, that adds some humor to the stale "best ways to meet women survey" approach. You'll meet lots of women, and some of them are bound to go for you, out of sheer numbers alone. Who knows, you might find out that some of your favorite lines are actually the ones women think of as being the worst! That alone would make it worth your while!
One of the things I noticed when I was first trying out singles bars and happy hour strategies was that the waitresses were almost always better looking than any of the female customers! Take a good look next time you go to these places and you will see that I am right.
I love picking up waitresses. There is far less pressure, they have to talk to you, and you can take your time. Unlike a girl you meet in a bar, who you will more than likely never see again unless you get a date, you can pretty much know where and when the waitress of your dreams will be.
I should point out that with waitresses, as well as sales clerks, and other "working women" you have to decide on a one step or two step approach. By that, I mean that if things seem to be going really good on your first meeting, you can ask her out right on the spot. If not, you can try to build more rapport on later visits, before you hit her for the date or phone number.
Waitress Bait
As with any pick-up, key first step is to get your targets attention. Here are three good ways to do that:
1. The clever line approach. Here's a line that I've used time and again. God must have whispered it in my ear, the first time I used it. It works when you are in a singles bar or other bar or restaurant that has lots of female customers, and your target is busy serving drinks. Just look at her and say,
"I just wanted you to know that ninety-nine percent of the women who walk in that door would kill their own mothers to look half as good as you do."
This is probably the most effective line you will ever use. It's one thing for a beautiful woman to hear that a man thinks she's good looking, but it isn't really that big a deal to her. After all, she already knows it is true, and may even be tired of hearing it.
But, women being such cat-like creatures, nothing pleases them more than to know that they are SO beautiful that other women hate them for it and are insanely jealous! Even the most jaded, hard-assed woman would love to believe this is true!
2. The direct approach. Here, you are direct, but you also acknowledge the reality that you are a stranger to her, and that you respect her need to earn her living without being harassed by pick-up artists. Walk up to her and say,
"I don't mean to interrupt you while you are working, but I just wanted you to know that I think you're one of the most attractive women I've ever seen, and I'm really glad I worked up the courage to introduce myself to you."
Tell her your name, ask her hers, and then let her get back to work. Chances are, she'll be so impressed, she'll come over to talk to you. This line is very flattering, and what really makes it work is the last bit about "working up the courage to meet you." It implies that she's so beautiful that you just had to overcome all that shyness just so you could get a chance to meet her. Women eat this line like candy and it will get you laid by waitresses, salesgirls and the like with startling frequency.
3. The dirty, sneaky, fake like you are in show biz approach. Here in L.A., 99.999% of the better looking waitresses are aspiring actresses, waiting for that big break. Some of these women are so gorgeous they would make you drool in your pants, and they are ripe for someone who they think can help them along in their career. Now, keeping in mind the ecology warning at the beginning of this chapter, let me tell you how I stumbled on to this scam and how it can help you
to sleep with the most beautiful women around.
At the time I stumbled on this approach, I had a roommate who worked for a small aerospace research company. They had just moved into a suite of offices that previously had been occupied by a talent agency. Opening a closet one day, they discovered a few hundred pictures of very good looking actresses who were applying for a role in a film.
My roommate brought about a hundred of them home, and as I was going through them, slobbering all over myself, it suddenly occurred to me that: Most of these girls were probably working as waitresses to support themselves. What better way to get favorable attention from some cutie pie waitress than to walk into a bar or restaurant with these and just start going through them.
So, that's what I did. And sure enough, before long, a very gorgeous young food and drink service technician (bureaucratese for waitress) came by to see what I was doing. I told her that my sister ran a company that makes movies for TV (which happens to be the truth, but don't worry if you don't have a sister that does that, you can talk about my sister if you feel guilty) and that she wanted me to go through these pictures and select the ones I thought were the most
attractive. Naturally, this sweetie pie was an aspiring future Oscar winner, and asked if she could get a resume to me. I said it would have to be fast, as my sister wanted to know by tomorrow. Of course, she invited me to come back to her place after work to get the picture, and well, we had a few drinks and........
The key to this method is not to make it seem like you are blackmailing her. Tell her you would be happy to submit her picture and resume to the right person. After you have agreed to that, THEN ask her out. The threat of you not doing it if she doesn't accept hasn't been made, and nice guy that you are, you wouldn't even think of implying it. But she might be afraid of losing your good will, and so will accept. Try to get her to go out with you on the spot.
Now, some of you may be wondering, "Well, it sounds great. But what if I don't have a roommate who happens to work for an aerospace research company that happens to be in the same office that used to be used by a talent agency?"
Good question. What you do is put a simple ad in your local paper along these lines:
"Models wanted! All expenses paid, plus $500.00 photo shoot in Tahiti! Send 8 x 10 to: Your Name Productions, Your Address."
That should get you some nice responses.