
How To Get Girls To Like You: Communicate With Girls Powerfully 1

This is tips How Get Girls To Like You:

Before we examine the structure of female emotion, and therefore how to rapidly induce intense emotional states in women using wordsalone, we’re first going to cover some basic techniques for ramping upanyone’s feelings.

We’re going to look at how you communicate powerfully.Communicating powerfully is about inducing emotional states in other people. Not random emotional states, because everyone induces emotional states in other people all the time—oftentimes, the wrong emotional states--but specific emotional states, the emotional states you want, the emotional states that will produce the results you want and give you real satisfaction.

Let’s consider, briefly, some of the tools and principles of powerful communication.

A. Verbal Stimulation.
First, the principle of stimulation, also known as “The Pink Elephant Principle,” because when I tell you not to think of a pink elephant, not to imagine its pink trunk, not to think of its tail flicking back and forth, not to think of its big floppy pink ears, you inevitably think of a pink elephant anyway.

To make sense of what I’m saying, you create in your mind some experience of a pink elephant—what it would look like, or the sounds it would make, or what its skin would feel like under your hand.

What you describe, your listener will experience, if only to understand what you are saying. The more vivid your description, the more your listener will respond as if he or she is directly experiencing what you describe, with all the emotions that follow from the experience.

B. Don’t Equals Do.
This is a corollary of the Pink Elephant Principle. When I tell you not to do X, or that there’s no such thing as X, or that X is impossible, you still imagine X and feel a response to X. “There’s no way you can use words to touch women’s deepest emotions and arouse them fantastically quickly.”“Don’t think about using these techniques over and over again, until they’re as natural as breathing.” “Don’t think about what it would feel like to fall in love right now.” “There’s no way you can fall in love with me.”

C. Imagery.
Make your description vivid by using specific sensory details—colors, sounds, textures. You can make reference to a lagoon, or you can evoke an experience of a bowl of water nestling, hidden between two high banks, with the light blue water’s surface glittering beneath the sun, one edge churning beneath a small waterfall, the tiny crests created11 by the falling water glinting again and again, as the water moves in a leisurely flow into the jungle which surrounds it. Words exist to create
experiences in those who hear or read them—the listener converts what he or she hears into visual images, tactile feelings, sounds, smells, and tastes.

You can make the listener’s experience much, much richer by stating explicitly what to see and hear and feel. When you do this, your listener, instead of needing to interpret your language with her intellect, will respond with her imagination, and therefore her body and her emotions. Abundant imagery can entrance her and lead her into a fantasy world.

continue on part 2


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