How To Get Girls To Like You: Unexpected thing that give you Laid
This is tips How Get Girls To Like You:
With this close, you operate as if you absolutely knew the girl wanted to desperately sleep with you, but you are determined to hold out till the last possible minute and to enjoy teasing her all evening.
With this approach, you lean into her as you talk as if you are about to kiss her. Then you MOVE AWAY. Get up and fix yourself a drink, or go to the bathroom. When you play with her mind like this, she won't know what to think. And when you put her in that state of mind, she's much more pliable and less likely to resist you.
A good tactic is to wait until she says something funny, and then reach over and brush the side of her face with the OUTSIDE of your hand. Then say something like, "You're such a funny lady." Do this slowly and deliberately, looking in her eyes the whole time. Then PULL AWAY.
Here's how you end this. While you're talking, suddenly yawn, look at your watch, and say, "I'm feeling a little bushed. Let's call it an evening."
If you're at your place, you proceed like this: "C'mon. I'll drive you home." Make as if you're really getting to leave. As she stands up from the couch, take her in your arms, and kiss her passionately. It's the last thing she'll be expecting, and the unexpected has the best effect.