How To Get Girls To Like You: Instant Screw
This is tips How Get Girls To Like You:
We mentioned anchoring above, briefly, and here's another way to use it to get laid on the first date.
The first step to making this work is to find out your date's preferred Representational system. You find this out by asking her to recall her last vacation and have her describe in her own words, what she liked best. If she says she enjoyed the feeling of laying out in the sun, and swimming in the warm waves, you've got a kinesthetic person. If she says she liked the sound of the pounding surf, and the quiet nights, she's auditory. If she uses visual terms, she's visual.
Next, ask if she can remember the most exciting experience she's had recently. When you say the word "exciting" drop your voice a bit, and give it an erotic connotation. Nine out of ten times a woman will recall an erotic experience. When she answers yes, ask her to close her eyes a minute. Then, depending on what her preferred system is, ask her to remember, what she saw, what she heard, and how it felt in her body. As she experiences this, you'll notice things start to change. Her face will flush, her breathing will get heavy, her lower lip will get larger, and she will actually re-experience in her body all those lovely erotic feelings she had when she first went through the experience.
As she's doing this, tell her that when those feelings in her body reach their peak, she should wiggle her pink finger. When she wiggles it, reach over and give her right wrist a squeeze, and at the same time, say, "Good." Run her through this a two more times.
Then have her clear her mind, and close her eyes. Reach over, squeeze her wrist, and say good. If you've done it right, she'll go right back into the erotic state she was in before.
Now, tease her with it. Go back to normal conversation, then a minute later, reach over and trigger the anchor again. Look into her eyes, and smile at her as your do it, but this time, don't let go of her wrist. Keep squeezing, keeping her in the erotic state until you stop.
You now have a weapon you can use any time during the rest of the evening! Later in the evening, when your get her back at your place, tease her a bit. Don't make a pass for a long time, just smile knowingly. If she makes a comment you think is Interesting, reach over, squeeze the wrist, and say "good."
When she goes into the erotic state again, keep one hand on the wrist squeezing, then attack with the free hand and your mouth.
Practice anchoring. You'll get better at it and it does take some practice-we shouldn't kid ourselves about that. But shit - it works nicely!
What's great about this technique and the previous technique of stacking realities is you often don't have to go on a formal date. You can take a girl you just met for an innocent cup of coffee and get her ready to fuck you in fifteen minutes time. Why waste time going out when you could be going in?